2024 Fall Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

It’s hard to believe we are coming up on just the last few months of 2024.

I don’t know about you, but this year had flown by faster than any year before. We completed the last of our major remodeling projects here at the ERG office. Just last month a new, more secure front door was installed with a lot of windows. Heidi is enjoying the new view and the extra sunshine. This rounds out the lobby remodel and the building finally feels like it’s completely ours. In September we celebrated our one-year anniversary in the new building. I hope you’ve all had a chance to stop by over the past year. If not, I hope to see you very soon.

My kids are back in school and for my wife, Erika, and I, that means life just got busier. Both of our children are involved in school and sports – and neither one can drive (yet). My daughter, Coraline, is a sophomore this year and on the school’s varsity cheer team. She practices several times a week and, of course, cheers every Friday night at the football games. This year she is on our city’s Mayor’s Youth Council and helps with city-wide events. She was also just recently nominated for her school’s leadership academy where she’ll have the opportunity to help with a variety of events during the school year. All of this while balancing honors classes, her first AP class and learning to drive! Oh, and that teen social life.

Our son, Michael, is enjoying his second year of middle school and is playing in some fall baseball tournaments. He was recently invited to join an all-star baseball team representing Utah in national tournaments. And his local team just got their invite for Cooperstown in 2025. So he is really looking forward to this next year. I’m continuing to help coach the local high school baseball team, which has been a lot of fun. Michael enjoys tagging along to practices and games, and he’s probably learning more about baseball than he could ever dream. (And a few choice phrases from that dugout…yikes.)

Everyone here at Elevated Retirement wishes you a safe and relaxing autumn and upcoming holiday season (yes, it’s almost here). There have been a lot of headlines lately regarding taxes and financial health. And with an election looming, many things get said and shared. As always, if you ever have questions or concerns about your situation, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. That’s what we’re here for.