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Back to the Basics: Tax Planning Opportunities for Retirees

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Summer 2024, Summer 2024 by Scott Dougan

Most people probably don’t consider this, but the single largest expense every year for a successful retiree isn’t putting fuel in the RV or even medical costs; it’s taxes. Between property, sales, and income taxes, the numbers can get pretty big pretty fast. Given this sneaky financial reality, tax planning has become an essential part of retirement planning because it …

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Back to the Basics: Social Security’s Health and Taxation

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Spring 2024, Spring 2024 by Scott Dougan

After decades of doing your job, saving money, and just plain navigating life, retirement approaches and shocks you with its complexity. The number of things to consider when planning a retirement is daunting, and Social Security is no exception. While the options have been reduced slightly, there’s still a lot to consider when claiming the benefit that you’ve funded and …

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Back to the Basics: Ways To Maintain Or Improve Your Lifestyle In Retirement

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Winter 2024, Winter 2024 by Scott Dougan

Approaching retirement age is an exciting time for most. The opportunity to spend more time doing the things you enjoy, and may have put off, leads many aspiring retirees to dream about the future like they haven’t in years. While this new phase of life can be deeply satisfying, it can also result in new and unique fears. Retiring at …

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Back to the Basics: When Should We Claim Social Security Benefits?

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, Fall 2023, SLC Fall 2023 by Scott Dougan

When approaching retirement, one of the big questions you may be considering is when to file for Social Security benefits. Because most people can claim and receive benefits as early as age 62, but each year that you wait earns a bump in pay for the rest of your life, the decision can be confusing and anxiety-inducing. And while it’s …

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Back to the Basics: Key To Success

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Summer 2023, Summer 2023 by Scott Dougan

Key To Success: Get Organized Financially If you’ve ever witnessed or even participated in a catch-a-pig contest, it can be quite exciting. The chaos of watching – and hearing – little pigs trying to outrun little kids is truly something to behold. The pigs clearly don’t want to be caught while the kids enjoy what seems like an easter egg …

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Back to the Basics: Why A Successful Retirement Starts with Income Planning

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Spring 2023, Spring 2023 by Scott Dougan

There are several questions that hopeful retirees are consistently asking as they seek to build a successful retirement. Some of these questions are: When can I retire? How much do we need? Will I have enough? What if there’s a major healthcare, stock market, or inflationary event that threatens what we’ve saved? While all of these questions are certainly different …

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Back to the Basics: 10 Ways To Improve Your Family’s Future, Starting With You

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Winter 2023, Winter 2023 by Scott Dougan

I’m yet to meet somebody who doesn’t want a brighter future for his or her family. Let’s face it; changing other people to see your point of view isn’t easy. In fact, it’s nearly impossible. Because of that sobering reality, the best chance we have to improve our family’s future is to look inward and start improving ourselves. As Gandhi …

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Back to the Basics: Financial Decision Making a Four-Year-Old Would Approve Of

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, Fall 2022, SLC Fall 2022 by Scott Dougan

I fear that we’re all victims. All too often, we’re victim to forces that surround us that are pushing us to act in ways that appear to be rational but lack something critical: a clear purpose. In the busy-ness of daily life, we act on instinct and sometimes in haste. I do it and I suspect you do too. It’s …

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Back to the Basics: Proof and Belief

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Summer 2022, Summer 2022 by Scott Dougan

Money and Markets  Beware: I’m going to get existential for a moment. I’ll be quick about it. Beginning in 2007 and through 2009, I found myself having a particular conversation about money with a lot of people. What started as a discussion of the happenings in the markets and economy became a journey into the historical role of gold and …

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Back to the Basics: Inflation’s Effects on Your Retirement

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Spring 2022, Spring 2022 by Scott Dougan

The headlines are screaming, and the data is real: inflation is on the rise. In fact, we’re seeing higher rates of inflation now than we’ve seen in 40 years.  Prices are going up and that can be a very scary reality for retirees. But how does that actually impact you? If you’re retired now or planning to retire soon, what …