Meet Maximus Dougan
Scott and Jennifer rescued this little cutie from KC Pet Project the past November. Max is a 5-month old Rhodesian Ridgeback. This breeds’ temperament is dignified, mischievous, intelligent, loyal, sensitive and strong-willed. We can agree that he’s all these adjectives!
Team Corner
Congratulations to O.J. Allen, CFP® O.J. recently passed the CFP® certification examination and met all requirements to earn this designation. We are proud to recognize this significant accomplishment and O.J.’s hard work, determination and dedication. The CFP® designation is the highest standard of excellence in the field of personal financial planning. Cheers to O.J.!
Briefcase Study: Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Do you also keep New Year’s Resolutions? I’m not a big resolutions guy, but I’m happy to hear from others who’ve had a resolution actually stick. A friend of mine started a resolution to floss his teeth daily starting on January 1st, 2012, and hasn’t missed a day since. When you read this, assuming …
Back to the Basics: New Year Reflection
New Year Reflection: The Mexican Fisherman and the American Businessman As we embark on another year, it’s natural to think about our goals and ambitions—working harder, saving more, and striving for greater ‘success’. But amidst this drive, it’s worth pausing to reflect on what we truly want out of life. One story that captures this sentiment beautifully is the parable …