Getting Retirement Right When Your Timing Isn’t
When I first began doing this work many years ago, I’d managed to arrange meetings with a number of very serious athletic coaches in an effort to gain new clients. At that time, a pulse was all that was required to get my attention, since starting in this business is so difficult. The fact that I was meeting with these …
Financially, When is Enough, Enough?
Ever wonder how much money it would take for you to feel totally safe and free from financial stress? Take a moment and think about it – what’s your number? Got it? In a number of big studies, researchers asked people the exact same question. The results were stunning, if not saddening. Regardless of the participants’ level of wealth, the …
Debt as a Dance Partner
The Joker, in Tim Burton’s Batman movie loved asking, “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” What does that mean and why did he say it? “I ask that of all my prey. I just like the sound of it.” Alright, I’ll admit that’s a really cool response. But today I ask you: Have you ever …
Client Corner: Let’s Explore
We have been successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and adventure-driven people who love exploring and pioneering. Even though retired, we still pursue these avenues for a gratifying life. We love traveling, especially to beautiful mountainous areas. Together, we enjoy hiking, camping, snowshoeing, and Nordic skiing, while Bob also loves Alpine skiing and golf. Bob’s corporate career with a large public corporation …
2025 Winter Newsletter: Salt Lake City
As is our style, my family hit the ground running in 2025. With both kids basically in year-round sports, we took advantage of the short break around the holidays to relax together in St. George – sleeping in was required. It was a much-needed recharge, but we’re happy to be back at home in a routine, as busy as it …
Your Five-Year Plan
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea that whatever I chose to do at any moment could change my life forever. I’m not talking about which sports to play or what to say to the cute girl in my class. No, I was focused on what would happen if I snapped my fingers or raised my …
Briefcase Study: Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Do you also keep New Year’s Resolutions? I’m not a big resolutions guy, but I’m happy to hear from others who’ve had a resolution actually stick. A friend of mine started a resolution to floss his teeth daily starting on January 1st, 2012, and hasn’t missed a day since. When you read this, assuming …
Back to the Basics: New Year Reflection
New Year Reflection: The Mexican Fisherman and the American Businessman As we embark on another year, it’s natural to think about our goals and ambitions—working harder, saving more, and striving for greater ‘success’. But amidst this drive, it’s worth pausing to reflect on what we truly want out of life. One story that captures this sentiment beautifully is the parable …
Why Do Retirees Feel Busier Than When They Had Jobs?
Have you heard of Parkinson’s Law? This principle states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This concept could shed light on the bewilderment many retirees experience. When individuals transition into retirement, they suddenly have more time for tasks and activities. Paradoxically, this newfound time can lead to an overwhelming sense of busyness, as …
The Need to Learn Cursive and Math
In today’s digital age, many people argue against the need to memorize facts for tests or everyday tasks. The rationale often goes, “I’ll be okay as long as I know where to find the information.” With resources like Google at our fingertips, it’s easy to see the merit in this perspective. However, consider this: what happens when you give a …