Briefcase Study: The Cash and Happiness Relationship
The Cash and Happiness Relationship With the dramatic change in interest rates this year, a lot of people are rethinking how much cash is appropriate in a financial plan. And while the answer depends on goals, resources available for short or long-term needs, and personal preference, this reminds us of the big question people continue to ponder: “Does money buy …
What’s So Risky About Retirement?
Life is fraught with danger; everybody knows this. When we take a closer look at one particular slice of life, retirement, we begin to see more clearly what those risks are. This recognition allows us to begin hedging against risks as best we can, through prudent planning. Before we get started, we must first agree on the desired outcome of …
The Right Retirement Ratio?
I don’t know what a perfect life looks like or a perfect retirement plan either. What I can say is that it would be really fun to plan a life that was built upon a 70/100 ratio (I just made that up, it’s not a thing). That is, a person would enjoy their work enough to retire from it at …
How Interest Rates Change Almost Everything About Investing
We need to talk about the stock market for just a bit. And before some of you tune me out because investments aren’t your thing, at least read far enough that you learn a new term with which to impress your friends. Because not only do I want you to win financially, I also want you to have a strong …
Mechanics of a Money Machine
I’m admittedly not much of an inventor. If there’s a need to create something from nothing, there are brighter minds out there than mine. On the other hand, when I can see an idea or an object that already exists, I can usually appreciate its greatness and often even improve upon it. So when I came across this one idea, …
We’re Moving!
It’s official – we’re moving! Thanks to wonderful clients like you, we have outgrown our current workplace and have found a building that will accommodate us. Elevated Retirement Group & Elevated Capital Advisors will be relocating to: 11925 South 700 East Draper, Utah, 84020 We hope to be fully moved in late summer/early fall so keep an eye out for …
Money, Health, and the Hedonic Treadmill
Much has been written about the real or perceived links between money and happiness. In a nutshell, once basic needs are met, more money doesn’t strongly correlate to more happiness. But what about health? Does having more money equate to improved health and wellness? Again, there can be a link, but it’s not a universal one. What is fascinating about …
Briefcase Study: Clutter: When Too Much Is Just Not Enough
Clutter: When Too Much Is Just Not Enough It may be time to declutter. Nobody is forcing you to declutter, but if I were to guess, I bet you’re probably feeling that desire on some level. You may have done some decluttering during the pandemic, but clutter doesn’t rest; it grows and sneaks up on you. Looking back, we spent …
Back to the Basics: Key To Success
Key To Success: Get Organized Financially If you’ve ever witnessed or even participated in a catch-a-pig contest, it can be quite exciting. The chaos of watching – and hearing – little pigs trying to outrun little kids is truly something to behold. The pigs clearly don’t want to be caught while the kids enjoy what seems like an easter egg …
Rise Against Hunger 2023 was a HUGE success!
Again, we can’t thank those that joined us for the event enough. About 80 people came to our event. You helped measure food, seal packages, box up meals and stack heavy boxes on pallets. These pallets of food will be transported by boat to Rise Against Hunger’s partnering countries. Not only do they send food, but the non-profit also provides …