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Back to the Basics: Tax Planning Opportunities for Retirees

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Summer 2024, Summer 2024 by Scott Dougan

Most people probably don’t consider this, but the single largest expense every year for a successful retiree isn’t putting fuel in the RV or even medical costs; it’s taxes. Between property, sales, and income taxes, the numbers can get pretty big pretty fast. Given this sneaky financial reality, tax planning has become an essential part of retirement planning because it …

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Briefcase Study: A Hybrid Retirement

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Summer 2024, Summer 2024 by Scott Dougan

When shopping for a new car, buyers are now faced with many more choices than whether to get the blue one or the silver one. Choosing among powertrain options has made the process much more intellectual and even political. While some may choose a traditional gas-powered engine, others opt for the chance to go all electric. But for some, the …