The Steak Dinner Decision
A confluence of forces is about to occur that may result in a decision to be made by aspiring and current retirees, like you.
I could be wrong, but I think the confluence includes a nervous, teetering stock market, a ramping-up of marketing efforts by some ambitious financial advisors due to COVID fears subsiding, and your love of a free steak dinner. Yes, it may get interesting in early 2022.
First, let me be clear. I’m not mad at or fearful of the ‘free steak dinner’ advisors that fill your mailbox with invitations to the finest steak houses in the area. Not only are some of these folks people I’d consider friends, but we did a few of these dinner sessions many years ago ourselves, and I too love steak. I bring this up for a very specific reason, one that’s less about steak and more about how you’re going to navigate the next recession and or market decline.
You see, a proven way for a financial advisor to get a new client is to appeal to them (you) emotionally, especially if fear is the emotion. When people are afraid, people want to do something to make that fear go away as quickly as possible. If you’re an advisor and a new client is what you’re after, there is no better time to ramp-up your marketing than when the stock market is shedding some value. After all, “You remember 2008, don’t you?” Show a few charts, stoke a few fears, roll out the still-sizzling porterhouse, and get those meetings scheduled. It’s time to get you out of the market and into something that’s guaranteed to not lose money. Fear, you’ve been banished. Be gone!
As we move into this next phase of the market, there are some of you who could very well benefit from taking some money off the table. If you simply cannot sleep at night seeing some temporary losses, then you may not be well-suited as long-term investors at this time. If that sounds like you, let’s talk about conservative and guaranteed strategies like annuities, bonds, or cash. These aren’t magic bullets, they’re simply tools and you may wish you consider some additional tools.
We can comfortably predict that any decline in the stock market is temporary. What we can’t comfortably predict is how temporary the decline will be. In other words, you and I know that the market will go back up like it always has, but it may not be on your desired timeline. For that variable in your planning equation, we can add some consistent and or guaranteed assets to your portfolio in order to cushion this decline. If you’d like. That said, when the market does go back up…eventually…you’ll wish you’d stayed invested in stocks for the long-term. But if ‘eventually’ sounds too far away, you can take some money off the table if you’d prefer. Just contact us and we’ll determine how best to do that. Otherwise, we’ll stick to the plan as designed.
So when those invitations arrive in your mailbox, promising protection from this nasty stock market, tax-eliminating magic tricks, and steaks so good that you can practically hear the juices searing through the mailer, remember that you’re not crazy for wishing for the silver bullet being offered, you’re either in need of a refresher of how your plan will meet your objectives…or you’re just really hungry. In that moment, throw a steak on the grill and call us to schedule a progress review to discuss this further. We’ll look forward to seeing you very soon.
Investment Advisory Services offered through Elevated Capital Advisors, LLC. An SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
This newsletter/commentary should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change. Content provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be used or construed as investment advice or a recommendation regarding the purchase or sale of any security. There is no guarantee that the statements, opinions, or forecasts provided herein will prove to be correct. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. There is no guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be successful. All references to potential future developments or outcomes are strictly the views and opinions of the author and in no way promise, guarantee, or seek to predict with any certainty what may or may not occur in various economies and investment markets.