2024 Summer Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

The dog days of summer are upon us. 

And though it’s hot and sticky outside, and we’d like to simply be lazy and sleep all day like our family dog, summer is a busy time for my family and me. My daughter, Coraline, will be a sophomore in high school this next year and made the varsity cheer team. Cheer is a year-round sport, starting as soon as school gets out for the summer. She gets a little break in July, so we’ve crammed a few family trips and activities in during her break, including a family trip to San Diego to celebrate the 4th of July. We enjoyed San Diego’s mild weather and spent our days walking around the city.  We visited the USS Midway Museum, took a boat tour of the city, attended a Padres game (that ended in a walk-off for a Padres win!), and ate all sorts of delicious food along the way. 

My son, Michael, plays travel baseball and typically the “spring” season ends in July. We are finishing out this year at a tournament in Aspen, Colorado. Baseball at 8,000+ feet elevation will feel very nice after these 100-degree days.

My wife and I will round out the summer with a trip to Rome, Italy. It will be hot, crowded…and filled with amazing food, sites and experiences. It will be the first time either of us have visited Rome and we’re looking forward to visiting (but not flying there).

Once August gets here, we will get back into our routines for cheer practices, school days, homework and activities. Until then, we’ll fill in the travel gaps with trips to Lagoon, the water park, a few hiking trails, maybe some golf, and (of course) some baseball. And before we know it, we’ll be freezing, shoveling deep snow and wishing these hot, sticky dog days of summer were still here.

Take care and have a safe and wonderful summer!