Client Corner: Mike and Michele
Mike and Michele
Originally from Utah and California
Mike: 24 year Career in USAF, High School and Community College Educator
Michele: Attorney and HR Director
Mike and Michele recently traveled through Europe for 3 months with their two 10 year old grand children. Their trip took them to the Eiffel Tower, Brandenburg Gate, Charles Bridge, Salzburg, and the Roman Colosseum. They toured the WWI & WWII Battle Fields, every art museum and cathedral they passed by and spent two weeks at the beaches of Rimini in Italy.
Travel Tips
Parking in major cities such as Paris and Berlin was expensive and inconvenient. They relied on Eurorail passes and trains, buses and trams to get around. They had a few minor glitches (wrong train, wrong direction, wrong seats) but nothing that wasn’t overcome with asking questions and for guidance from people along the way.
Traveling with Kids
Traveling with kids does require extra planning. After the second museum, or climbing Roman ruins, they’re ready for a park or their iPads.
Take Breaks
It’s good to schedule a break and take a day off. Having 3 months to take their time worked well for them.
You Can’t See it All
They believe it’s better to choose a few places to see and enjoy them. Constant rushing around wears you out, and you probably will miss something you really wanted to see.
Make reservations for places you want to see. You can reserve a day and time to get into Vatican, or Louvre, Uffizi online. The lines can be long and time consuming. You may not be able to gain entrance without a reservation.
Be Safe
Safety and security are always on travelers minds. Lots of tourists means lots of would be opportunists. Pickpockets are always nearby. Heed warnings on how to carry valuables. They never experienced violence, but saw many people telling police someone stole their wallet or camera.