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Briefcase Study: Financial Independence is a Myth

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Winter 2022, Winter 2022 by Scott Dougan

‘Financial Independence’ is a wonderful goal, a beautiful aspiration, a worthy pursuit. But it’s impossible. If true financial independence is the point at which we have enough money to be free from needing to serve or be served by other people, then we’ve missed the point entirely. If we look at a pile of wealth – money, property, possessions – …

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Briefcase Study: Now That I’m Retired

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, Fall 2021, SLC Fall 2021 by Scott Dougan

“Now That I’m Retired, I Wonder How I Got Anything Done When I Was Working!”  “How’s retirement treating you?” – I asked. “I’m failing miserably at it. I’m so busy now that I wonder how I got anything done when I was working. “ If I had a dollar for each time I’ve heard something to this effect, I’d be …

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Briefcase Study: House Fever

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Summer 2021, Summer 2021 by Scott Dougan

Home is where the heart is. There’s no place like home. When the house is a rockin’ don’t bother knockin’. There’s no questioning the fact that a home is a critical piece of our lifestyle and identify. Where we live has a lot to do with whom we associate and spend time as well as how we perceive our standing …

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Briefcase Study: Consider the Platinum Rule

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Spring 2021, Spring 2021 by Scott Dougan

Are You A Caregiver? Consider the Platinum Rule  In this Briefcase Study, we’re going to focus on a topic that isn’t financial, necessarily, but a heart issue instead. If you find yourself, like so many others, caring for a family member as they age, you’re doing some very challenging work. We hear a lot of the stories from the families …

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Briefcase Study: From One Retiree To Another

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Winter 2021, Winter 2021 by Scott Dougan

Your retirement will likely look very different from that of just about anyone else’s. After all, you’re you and they’re them, right? And while I suppose that’s categorically true, there are quite a few similarities that we get to witness when talking with all of the folks we serve who’ve crossed that line into retirement from paid work. So, what …

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Briefcase Study: Can The Financial Markets Be Trusted?

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, Fall 2020, SLC Fall 2020 by Scott Dougan

Quite often, I’ll receive a call or an email that goes something like this: “So-and-so on the news said the market is ripe for a big selloff in October or November, what do you think?” I hope you know by now that I always welcome the opportunity to help you with your questions. Keep them coming. This question in particular …

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Briefcase Study: If a Tree Falls In the Woods

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Summer 2020, Summer 2020 by Scott Dougan

If a Tree Falls In the Woods, and Other Election Year Thoughts During a recent meeting, and then at another meeting, and another…the question came up: “With an election coming up, what should we be doing about our investments?” Here we are, in the midst of a presidential election season, and we’re all searching for answers. People are asking themselves, …

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Briefcase Study: What Is Your First Memory Of Money?

In Articles, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Spring 2020, Tax Planning by Scott Dougan

What Is Your First Memory Of Money? A few years ago, I was talking with a man who was contemplating retirement. He and his wife had worked very hard for a long time and had accumulated considerable assets and carried no debt. As we ran and re-ran the numbers, tweaking and questioning all assumptions and variables, he continued to struggle …

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Briefcase Study: What Is Your First Memory Of Money?

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Briefcase Studies, Spring 2020, Tax Planning by Scott Dougan

What Is Your First Memory Of Money? A few years ago, I was talking with a man who was contemplating retirement. He and his wife had worked very hard for a long time and had accumulated considerable assets and carried no debt. As we ran and re-ran the numbers, tweaking and questioning all assumptions and variables, he continued to struggle …

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Briefcase Study: Pension Options

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Winter 2020, Tax Planning, Winter 2020 by Scott Dougan

A very common decision for current retirees to make, and one that we’ve seen a lot of recently, is that of which pension option to choose when preparing for retirement from your company, school, or municipality. You’ll see options such as Single Life Annuity, 50% Joint & Survivor Annuity, or Partial Lump Sum Option (PLOP). All of these options can …