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Spending In Retirement: More Or Less?

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

The question is easy to ask but incredibly difficult to answer. When faced with the question, it seems that the inner monologue of many aspiring retirees is screaming “We really should know this, but…” Of course, the question is intended to discover what your expenses are now and what they’re likely to be once you’re retired, a key piece of …

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Predicting the Future of the Market

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

Every so often I’ll read an article sent to me that says something to the effect of, “The stock market is poised for a HUGE loss, according to someone really smart.” I genuinely appreciate receiving these articles because I want to know what you’re reading out there, and if there’s validity to the article then let’s learn from it! With …

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Our firm is excited to announce the launch of Elevated Financial Wellness!

In Articles, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, SLC Spring 2021 by Scott Dougan

Studies show that eighty percent of employers’ report that financial stress is lowering their employees’ productivity level, and it’s costing them nearly half a trillion dollars annually.*   The EFW platform provides financial wellness technology with a human approach. Employees will not only have access to assessment tools to understand their financial/retirement needs but will also have access to our …

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Back to the Basics: Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Spring 2021, Spring 2021 by Scott Dougan

Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22 This rant may come as a surprise to you, at least coming from me. It’s actually a little surprising to me that I’m writing it because I wrestle with this topic quite a bit. The subject is that of luxury items; things like a ’69 Camaro, a Florida …

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Briefcase Study: Consider the Platinum Rule

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Spring 2021, Spring 2021 by Scott Dougan

Are You A Caregiver? Consider the Platinum Rule  In this Briefcase Study, we’re going to focus on a topic that isn’t financial, necessarily, but a heart issue instead. If you find yourself, like so many others, caring for a family member as they age, you’re doing some very challenging work. We hear a lot of the stories from the families …

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Can There Be a Retirement Planning Formula?

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Investment Management, Tax Planning by Scott Dougan

For years, I’ve been on a quest to determine the optimum set of inputs to design the ideal retirement plan. And while the topic of formulas may not appeal to you, I hope you’re somewhat comforted that it does hold some appeal for me, a retirement planning guy. I’ve thought much about the ideal blend of guaranteed income sources, risk-based …