Service and Experience Updates
As we announced a few weeks ago, we are in the process of making some service and experience updates to our investment management platform. These are being done to enhance your overall investment journey while preserving the elements that have been fundamental to our relationship with you. Because the changes require you to complete some forms, we wanted to provide …
2024 Summer Newsletter: Salt Lake City
The dog days of summer are upon us. And though it’s hot and sticky outside, and we’d like to simply be lazy and sleep all day like our family dog, summer is a busy time for my family and me. My daughter, Coraline, will be a sophomore in high school this next year and made the varsity cheer team. Cheer …
Back to the Basics: Tax Planning Opportunities for Retirees
Most people probably don’t consider this, but the single largest expense every year for a successful retiree isn’t putting fuel in the RV or even medical costs; it’s taxes. Between property, sales, and income taxes, the numbers can get pretty big pretty fast. Given this sneaky financial reality, tax planning has become an essential part of retirement planning because it …
Briefcase Study: A Hybrid Retirement
When shopping for a new car, buyers are now faced with many more choices than whether to get the blue one or the silver one. Choosing among powertrain options has made the process much more intellectual and even political. While some may choose a traditional gas-powered engine, others opt for the chance to go all electric. But for some, the …
Client Corner: Trip of a Lifetime for LaMar & Meg
This past March we went on, what we would consider, a trip of a lifetime. We flew into Sydney, Australia, boarded the Coral Princes and cruised around Australia and Tasmania. From Sydney we headed north, travelling counter clockwise around the continent stopping at every major city and some smaller towns. In Tasmania we stopped at Burnie and Hobart. At each …
Save The Date
SAVE THE DATE Rise Against Hunger Event Friday, June 28th from 5 to 7 p.m. Juan Diego High School We are excited to announce that we have finalized the details for our annual Rise Against Hunger meal packing event! Mark your calendars now and make plans to join us Friday, June 28th from 5 to 7 p.m. as we pack …
2024 Spring Newsletter: Salt Lake City
My business partner, Scott Dougan (Kansas City) and I started the year off with a bang. We were invited to a global financial advisors conference in January in Las Vegas where he and I were both, individually, inducted into the Advisors Excel Hall of Fame. This recognition is awarded to financial advisors who have seen prolonged success in financial planning …
Briefcase Study: Has Spring Finally Sprung?! Spring Cleaning, Anyone?
Spring has to be your favorite season; or at least in your top three or four. Everything is new again, fresh, bright, ripe with hope of new adventures. I’m a sucker for spring. If you share even a fraction of my spring enthusiasm, you may also feel that deep-down desire to get things cleaned up and sorted after a long …
Back to the Basics: Social Security’s Health and Taxation
After decades of doing your job, saving money, and just plain navigating life, retirement approaches and shocks you with its complexity. The number of things to consider when planning a retirement is daunting, and Social Security is no exception. While the options have been reduced slightly, there’s still a lot to consider when claiming the benefit that you’ve funded and …
Holiday Open House Event a Success
We are delighted to share the joyous success of our recent Holiday Open House at our new office space! The festive spirit was in full swing as colleagues, clients, and friends gathered to celebrate the season together. Attendees enjoyed a delightful array of seasonal treats and beverages, spreading cheer and camaraderie throughout the evening. The event not only showcased our …