Thank you for supporting the 2018 Fall Festival Make-A-Wish® campaign!
Your support will help Make-A-Wish create life-changing wishes for children battling critical illnesses. We are thrilled to announce this year’s campaign raised over $10,000.00 for local wishes! Without your efforts, we would not be able to make wishes like Connor’s wish to go on a Disney Cruise come true! At one year old, Connor was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy called Doose Syndrome. There is no cure and most medication provides little relief. As a result, Connor’s family began the quest for solutions outside of medications and discovered the Ketogenic diet, which has drastically decreased the number of seizures he has a day.
“Unfortunately, the times I have to say no far outweigh the times I am able to say yes,” Connor’s mom said. “This is the reason Make-A-Wish is so needed; it is a program designed for ‘yes’, helping the accommodations that most parents with a special needs child couldn’t begin to handle financially or mentally.”
We cannot thank you enough for your support this year. The Make-A-Wish Missouri & Kansas chapter was able to grant 340 wishes last year, and we are proud to have been a part of such a life-changing mission. Elevated Retirement Group will be supporting Make-A-Wish® again next year. Thank you for helping us to make wishes like Connor’s happen!