The Steak Dinner Decision
A confluence of forces is about to occur that may result in a decision to be made by aspiring and current retirees, like you. I could be wrong, but I think the confluence includes a nervous, teetering stock market, a ramping-up of marketing efforts by some ambitious financial advisors due to COVID fears subsiding, and your love of a free …
Save the Date: Fall Festival
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 22nd for the 2022 Fall Festival Raffle and Silent Auction at The Lodge at Ironwoods. Proceeds benefit CASA of Johnson & Wyandotte Counties Thursday, October 22nd Lodge At Ironwoods 147th & Mission Rd, Leawood, KS Silent Auction – Raffle – LIVE Entertainment Wine Pull – Dinner, Drinks & Dancing Previous & …
Harvesters Event
300 Meals for the Hungry We had a small, but mighty, group that attended the annual Harvesters event on May 7. We were divided into small groups and worked on different projects in the warehouse such as taking 50 lbs of onions and sweet potatoes and putting them into 5 lbs bags as well as sorting bread and other foods. …
Briefcase Study: Breakthrough in a Box
When an Amazon box arrives at the front door, it’s an exciting moment. Is it…for me? Boy, I sure hope so (having forgotten what I may have ordered in the first place). Generally, the thing in that box is the result of a decision process that was either minutes long or one that took months of research. Either way, taking …
Back to the Basics: Proof and Belief
Money and Markets Beware: I’m going to get existential for a moment. I’ll be quick about it. Beginning in 2007 and through 2009, I found myself having a particular conversation about money with a lot of people. What started as a discussion of the happenings in the markets and economy became a journey into the historical role of gold and …
The Battle For Status
Have you ever stopped to consider the role that status plays in your life? Of course, status is evident in our work relationships; supervisor, manager, and president are titles that make it easier to know our place in the hierarchy. But I wonder if you’ve considered how status impacts your financial planning. Is it possible that subconscious pursuits of status …
Has Returns Risk Returned?
Retirement can be an amazing time in a person’s life (or so I’m told). Waking up each day with the opportunity to live out your agenda rather than someone else’s is a wonderful type of freedom that everyone should someday have the chance to experience. But like anything in life, there are risks that have the potential to disrupt the …
Proof and Belief: Money and Markets
Beware: I’m going to get existential for a moment. I’ll be quick about it. Beginning in 2007 and through 2009, I found myself having a particular conversation about money with a lot of people. What started as a discussion of the happenings in the markets and economy became a journey into the historical role of gold and The Fed. In …
Financial Symmetry and Weight Loss
When I decided to pursue a business career after college, I did so not really knowing what it meant to actually ‘pursue business’. Like most people, I had a vague sense that marketing was involved somehow and that some math must be a part of the deal, but I really didn’t know much more than that. So when I was …
Inching Closer Toward Recession
It’s coming, can you feel it? The next recession is getting closer and closer, there’s no doubt. How do I know this? Simply put, recessions happen and we haven’t had one in quite some time, so it’s a safe prediction to make that the passing of each day moves us closer to the next. Are you ready? Before we get …