Team Spotlight: Jennifer Dougan
Fun Facts about Jennifer: Jennifer was born in Philadelphia, PA in 1963 She is the youngest of three girls. You already know how Scott and Jennifer met. Jennifer is an avid fitness instructor. She teaches Les Mills BodyPump, BodyFlow, Barre & PiYo. Her favorite jobs were…cashier at The Organ Grinder Pizza Parlour in Portland, Oregon; Child Development Specialist at Beech …
Back to the Basics: Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22
Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22 This rant may come as a surprise to you, at least coming from me. It’s actually a little surprising to me that I’m writing it because I wrestle with this topic quite a bit. The subject is that of luxury items; things like a ’69 Camaro, a Florida …
Briefcase Study: Consider the Platinum Rule
Are You A Caregiver? Consider the Platinum Rule In this Briefcase Study, we’re going to focus on a topic that isn’t financial, necessarily, but a heart issue instead. If you find yourself, like so many others, caring for a family member as they age, you’re doing some very challenging work. We hear a lot of the stories from the families …