2020 Fall Newsletter: Salt Lake City
ELEVATED INSIDER The days are getting shorter. The leaves are changing and falling. The mornings are crisp and cool. We’ve made it to Autumn of 2020. And I imagine it has been no easy feat for most of you. To say this year has been full of surprises would be an understatement. Each time I think, “Oh, it couldn’t get …
How An Election Affects Markets
It’s time to discuss the elephant in the room, the upcoming election. I’m regularly hearing concerns during meetings about the upcoming election and its possible effects on the stock market. While I wish I could just tune out politics entirely, I suppose we can spend an article on elections and then get back to our regular programming soon enough. Here …
Half Time Report Webinar
Join Scott Dougan, Sean Lee, and Mike Sorrentino for a webinar recap of the first half of 2020 and a look at what the second half may have in store. Join us as we help put today’s market action into perspective. We have recorded a webinar to allow you to listen at your leisure. IN OUR 2020 HALF TIME REPORT, …
What Newer Retirees Aren’t Talking About
There’s one thing I can report that I’m NOT hearing from newer retires: that it’s awful. That’s right. Not a single time have I heard someone say they’re loathing their ability to be a person of the retired class. Instead, newer retirees share stories of travel, time spent with family, projects they’ve considered getting around to doing on the house, …
Health and Safety Message
Back in May, our goal was to get back to conducting in-person meetings here at the office starting June 1st. At the time, Salt Lake County was entering the Yellow phase of the pandemic and the restrictions were starting to ease a bit. Fast forward to mid-July and we are seeing case counts on the rise, discussions of closing certain …
The Metric System
Carpenters and bakers know the pain, but have simply embraced it. “Because we’ve always done it this way” means we should keep doing it this way, or so the story goes. In the 1970s there was a movement to eradicate this pain, but it just didn’t stick. The metric system, they said, just wasn’t going to provide enough benefits to …
Briefcase Study: If a Tree Falls In the Woods
If a Tree Falls In the Woods, and Other Election Year Thoughts During a recent meeting, and then at another meeting, and another…the question came up: “With an election coming up, what should we be doing about our investments?” Here we are, in the midst of a presidential election season, and we’re all searching for answers. People are asking themselves, …
Back to the Basics: Two Ways To Estimate Retirement Expenses; One Fast, One Slow
Retirement Planning done well should feel like a state of flow. Money flows in, money flows out; the rate of this flow is determined by your chosen lifestyle. Ideally, your lifestyle conforms naturally to your desires and needs, as they shift with your health and interests. Thus your accumulated assets should provide you with enough income (flow in) to match …
2020 Summer Newsletter: Salt Lake City
ELEVATED INSIDER What a year it has been! So far. We are more than half-way through 2020, but when I think back to January – or even March – it seems like years ago. We’ve faced and overcome challenges we never thought possible. I hope we can all say we’re a little stronger, a little more flexible that we once …
Retiring At A Time Like This?
Anytime a person utters the phrase, “This time it’s different” I get a little skeptical. I’ll bet you do too. It seems that being alive for at least a few decades leads us to believe that we’ve seen it all before, there’s nothing new under the sun. This is likely why kids are so fun to be around, because it’s …