2021 Winter Newsletter: Kansas City
Have we turned a corner?
The ongoing COVID saga seems to have shifted into another gear. While reported cases of the virus continue to rise, two vaccines are ready and being administered, which is some much needed light in this long and exhausting tunnel. We hope you’re feeling well and healthy and we also hope the country can recover quickly.
I’m writing this to you as we prepare for a new president and administration. The most contentious election of our lifetimes is behind us and the investing markets are adjusting to the new reality. If there’s one thing the market hates, it’s uncertainty. Now that we have more clarity of our political players and future policies, investors can make more informed decisions about where to invest and how much. Let’s hope we can enjoy economic prosperity as we move toward a more ‘normal’ post-election and post-pandemic climate … eventually.
In this edition of the Insider, we bring you some retirement thoughts that we hope you’ll find helpful. Rather than focus on just the Xs and Os of planning, this time around, we’re considering the when and how of retirement, the softer issues. In response to a question we hear from time-to-time, we consider how to time retirement. For example, how do I know if I’m retiring too soon? Then we discuss what you’d like retirement to actually look like by asking some thoughtful questions. After all, once the numbers are right, the rest of retirement is up to you, so we want to help you make the very best of it.
As we move past the election and hopefully see some progress in getting through this pandemic and back to some sense of normalcy, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to enjoy the little things like a fresh blanket of snow while sipping a hot drink. If we can help you in some way, then please let us know. We’re here to serve, so let us serve you.