Team Spotlight: Jacque Hayes
Fun Facts About Jacque Where were you born? Kansas City Mo. What’s your biggest pet peeve? People licking their fingers and touching something before handing it to you. Favorite vacation spot? Toss up between Mexico for relaxation and Disney for family fun! What was the first concert you attended? Lyte Funkie Ones (LFO) Cats or Dogs? Dogs My favorite candy …
Back to the Basics: The Choice Challenge In Retirement
The Choice Challenge In Retirement If you were to ask me what is my very favorite thing, I think I’d say it’s choice. I suppose it’s like declaring that freedom is good. The very ability to make choices with our time, money, relationships, careers…these all make life so much richer than the alternative, having few choices. An uncluttered view of …
Team Spotlight: Jennifer Dougan
Fun Facts about Jennifer: Jennifer was born in Philadelphia, PA in 1963 She is the youngest of three girls. You already know how Scott and Jennifer met. Jennifer is an avid fitness instructor. She teaches Les Mills BodyPump, BodyFlow, Barre & PiYo. Her favorite jobs were…cashier at The Organ Grinder Pizza Parlour in Portland, Oregon; Child Development Specialist at Beech …
2021 Spring Newsletter: Kansas City
The word, ‘spring’ is such an active word. It’s an object that keeps your car riding comfortably by smoothing out the bumps, it’s an act of movement – to spring – and it’s also a season that offers so much promise. Spring and ‘to spring’ feel like exactly what we all need right now. We’re transitioning from a LONG season …
Back to the Basics: Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22
Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22 This rant may come as a surprise to you, at least coming from me. It’s actually a little surprising to me that I’m writing it because I wrestle with this topic quite a bit. The subject is that of luxury items; things like a ’69 Camaro, a Florida …
Briefcase Study: Consider the Platinum Rule
Are You A Caregiver? Consider the Platinum Rule In this Briefcase Study, we’re going to focus on a topic that isn’t financial, necessarily, but a heart issue instead. If you find yourself, like so many others, caring for a family member as they age, you’re doing some very challenging work. We hear a lot of the stories from the families …
In Memoriam – Celebrating the Lives Of those We Lost
It is with great sadness that we reflect on some of the wonderful friends we lost this year. All of us at Elevated Retirement Group cherish our relationships with you as the highest purpose for our work. When we lose one of you, it affects us deeply. We hope you’ll join us in sharing our condolences with the families affected …
Team Spotlight: Scott Dougan
Many of you already know Scott, but you may not know these fun facts: Scott was born in 1973 in Topeka, Kansas. He is the oldest of three siblings. Scott met his wife, Jennifer, in Las Vegas, NV at a mutual friend’s birthday party. He loves to cook and almost went to culinary school before starting his career as a …
Back to the Basics: The FIRE Movement
There’s an exciting new movement among young professionals who aspire to retire from their careers early … very early. Called the FIRE Movement – or Financial Independence Retire Early – these folks are taking advantage of their high salaries and extremely frugal lifestyles to stockpile enough invested wealth to afford a retirement beginning in their 40s, and for many, in …
Briefcase Study: From One Retiree To Another
Your retirement will likely look very different from that of just about anyone else’s. After all, you’re you and they’re them, right? And while I suppose that’s categorically true, there are quite a few similarities that we get to witness when talking with all of the folks we serve who’ve crossed that line into retirement from paid work. So, what …