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State of the Union

In Articles, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, SLC Fall 2019 by Scott Dougan

Join Us December 4th Salt Lake Community College Miller Campus 9750 South 300 West Draper, UT 84020 We will be doing an end of year ‘State of the Union’ event with our Chief Investment Officer; Mike Sorrentino on December 4th. This event will allow clients and prospects to hear from Mike and get his thoughts on what happened in 2019 …

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27 Retirement Risks: Which Is (Arguably) Most Damaging

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Retirement by Scott Dougan

Life is fraught with danger; everybody knows this. When we take a closer look at one particular slice of life, retirement, we begin to see more clearly what those risks are. This recognition allows us to begin hedging against risks as best we can, through prudent planning. Before we get started, we must first agree on the desired outcome of …

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Rise Against Hunger®

In Articles, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, SLC Summer 2019 by Scott Dougan

This year’s Rise Against Hunger® meal packing event was another huge success!  We were able to pack 20,000 meals in about an hour and a half, which was record time not only for us, but it was the quickest time the rep from Rise Against Hunger® has ever been part of. We definitely couldn’t do this event without the help …

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Employee Spotlight: Liz Kirkby

In Articles, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, SLC Summer 2019, Team Spotlights by Scott Dougan

Liz Kirkby Client Relationship Manager Liz is a native Utah girl, although she has spent many years living in California and Nevada as well. She received her Bachelors in Math Education from BYU and is currently working on a Masters in Management and Leadership. Liz currently lives in Saratoga Spring and has 6 children. She enjoys singing karaoke, eating chocolate, …

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Briefcase Study: The Tax Torpedo

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Briefcase Studies, SLC Summer 2019, Summer 2019, Tax Planning by Scott Dougan

In a recent meeting with a family we serve, the conversation – as it often does – turned to Social Security. The question was, once again, whether it was best to begin receiving Social Security benefits at age 62 or wait until age 66 and 6 months, their Full Retirement Age (FRA) with Social Security. I was reminded how important …

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Back to the Basics: Seven Factors in Determining Retirement Age

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, Retirement, SLC Summer 2019, Summer 2019 by Scott Dougan

Retirement means something a bit different to everyone. To some, it’s a financial finish line. To others, retirement represents a transition from paid work to volunteer work. Whatever it means to you and those close to you, retirement happens, whether by choice or by force. As a person nears ‘retirement age’ a litany of decisions arise that must be carefully …

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How Statistics Can Lead Us To A Faulty Conclusion

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

There’s a great expression that goes something like this: 84% of statistics are made up on the spot. See what happened there? We’ll often see statistics being used for persuasive purposes, but what if there’s more to most stats than meets the eye. What if the story being sold isn’t the real story at all? What’s more, how often are …