Retirement Elevated Classes in 2022
Gain the right knowledge today to create a well-planned retirement for tomorrow. The ebbs and flows of being able to continue hosting our in-person Retirement Elevated classes has been ever-changing the past two years. With that, going into 2022, we will be monitoring things as best we can to ensure our educational events are still being taught at a location …
2022 Winter Newsletter: Salt Lake City
We made it through the holidays and into another year. Welcome 2022! Here’s to hoping for brighter, healthier days ahead for all. The holidays at our home are often busy. Our children, Coraline and Michael, are still young, so the holidays include little parties, school programs and many traditions that remain magical. My in-laws live nearby, so our home …
Client Corner: Don and Lauri
“All our planning has paid off, and retirement is just as much fun as we always dreamed!” As happily retired folks, Don and Lauri decided to visit Boston to visit Lauri’s nephew and his family and tour the surrounding area. While they are seasoned travelers, neither of them had previously been to Boston; and so, they were excited for the …
A Box of Catharsis
Catharsis is defined as “a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension” (source: Merriam-Webster). In other words, make the bad stuff go away and begin feeling better. If there’s one gift we should all give ourselves, it’s a nice catharsis. If you’ve ever rented a dumpster in order to finally clear the clutter from your …
Back to the Basics: The Forced Savings Solution
If you were to ask retirees what was the single biggest factor in their ability to retire, the answer might lie in the fact that they began saving early, saved consistently, and didn’t stop saving. Sure, some people have retirement saved for them, in the form of a pension, but the reality is that nobody lives off of their money …
Briefcase Study: Financial Independence is a Myth
‘Financial Independence’ is a wonderful goal, a beautiful aspiration, a worthy pursuit. But it’s impossible. If true financial independence is the point at which we have enough money to be free from needing to serve or be served by other people, then we’ve missed the point entirely. If we look at a pile of wealth – money, property, possessions – …
Times Like These: Why Clear Financial Objectives Are So Important
When I first began doing this work, a bit more than 20 years ago, I’d managed to arrange meetings with a number of very serious athletic coaches in an effort to gain new clients. At that time, a pulse was all that was required to get my attention, since starting in this business is so difficult. The fact that I …
Learn Math? But I Have A Calculator!
We’ve all heard the argument against memorizing facts and information for a test in the modern age. “I’ll be okay as long as I know where to find the information.” is how the explanation goes. And thanks to Google, we now have access to seemingly all of the information available on any subject, so there may be something to that …
Retire in 1991 – Why Timing is Everything
Do you know one of those people who seem to hit every green light on the boulevard of life? Everything they touch seems to work out exceedingly well? If so, they’re the person who’s likely to have retired in a year like 1991. Why? For one, the stock market began its almost-unbelievable rise through the 1990s, replenishing their retirement nest …
State Of the Markets Event
with Mike Sorrentino, CFA® Wednesday, December 8th On Wednesday, December 8th, we will be hosting a State of the Markets event with our Chief Investment Officer, Mike Sorrentino, CFA®. This will be an in-person event at Salt Lake Community College’s Miller Campus in Sandy. For those that are unable to join us in-person, we are also setting things up to …