Report: Welcome to 2019
We hope that you and your family had an enjoyable holiday season. Each New Year symbolically offers us the opportunity for a fresh start. As always, our primary goal this year is to continue our tradition of helping individuals and families achieve their personal financial goals. To assist our clients in this process, we provide the 2019 CHECKLIST in this …
Report: Quarterly Economic Update
Quarterly Economic Update Fourth Quarter 2018 After a long period of respectable market returns, many investors in equities experienced losses during the fourth quarter of 2018, in spite of the third quarter’s strength. The root cause of these losses was growing uncertainty, which is the equity market’s least favorite sentiment. Specifically, interest rate hikes and trade wars caused major concerns …
Report: Year End Tax Moves for 2018
YEAR END TAX MOVES for 2018 One of our main goals as holistic financial advisors is to help our clients recognize tax reduction opportunities within their investment portfolios and overall financial planning strategies. Staying current on the ever-changing tax environment is a key component necessary to help our clients benefit from potential tax reduction strategies. On December 22, 2017, President …