2021 Spring Newsletter: Kansas City
The word, ‘spring’ is such an active word.
It’s an object that keeps your car riding comfortably by smoothing out the bumps, it’s an act of movement – to spring – and it’s also a season that offers so much promise. Spring and ‘to spring’ feel like exactly what we all need right now. We’re transitioning from a LONG season of challenge and discomfort to one of opportunity and renewed warmth. We need spring in a bad way.
As we figure out what the transition to normal life again looks like, we may benefit from taking stock in so many lessons learned. We were reminded by the pandemic what’s truly important and how we might value things and people differently going forward. Like waking from a long nap, we’re ready to get back to our activities, but not immediately. We need a moment first, to take a deep breath. This may be a perfect time to take stock in where we stand financially. Are we okay? Are you okay? When you’re able to live a normal life again, do you have any financial concerns that may threaten your confidence?
The stock market, as a whole, has held up very well in the face of the pandemic. Quick and decisive government stimulus for many individuals and businesses did fairly well at keeping a major recession or depression at bay. As a result, retirement accounts are doing well. As the economy gets back to full stride again, we’ll want to keep an eye on inflation. All of this stimulus money in the system may result in rising prices. This is a great reason to ensure your investment portfolio is correctly postured to respond to rising inflation if it occurs. And taxes? Well, we’re doing a lot of work in that area to assist you with tax mitigation strategies. We’d best take advantage of low tax rates while we have them!
In this issue of the Insider, we tackle two very different topics: when to buy luxury items and how we might care for aging parents. This is the duality of retirement; wonderful opportunities to enjoy the finer things while simultaneously supporting loved ones who are aging and needing our increasing support. We hope you find something in these discussions that serves you well.
Please consider how we might help you or your friends and loved ones prepare for this exciting new season. We love to serve you and those you may choose to introduce to us, so please let us know how best to do that. We’re eager to spring forward; it’s been a long winter.

Team Spotlight: Jennifer Dougan

Back to the Basics: Why Buying Luxury Items Is Less Harmful at 62 Than at 22