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If You Knew, Would You Act Differently?

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

If you want to see my heart break, tell me a story about a family ripped apart by money quarrels. I just cannot stand to think that relationships once valued were severed by a disagreement over financial matters. I’m actually sick to my stomach having just written those two sentences. It just seems unnecessary, but it happens all the time. …

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The One Word Retirement Plan

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

If you could choose just a single descriptor for what you’d like for the next 30 years of your life, what would it be? For some, flexibility may be the word, for others, family. Here are words that may strike a chord with you: Flexibility Family Faithfulness Activity Travel Peacefulness Contentment Regret-Free (does a hyphen qualify it as one word?) …

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A Box of Catharsis

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

Catharsis is defined as “a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension” (source: Merriam-Webster). In other words, make the bad stuff go away and begin feeling better. If there’s one gift we should all give ourselves, it’s a nice catharsis.  If you’ve ever rented a dumpster in order to finally clear the clutter from your …

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2021 Fall Festival Update

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Community Involvement, Winter 2022 by Scott Dougan

Our Fall Festival at the Lodge at Ironwoods was a resounding success! Your contributions will bring a brighter future to children. We appreciate your generosity and caring commitment to CASA’s important work. We appreciate those who were able to join us this year at The Inn @ Ironwoods in support of CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates of Johnson & Wyandotte …

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2022 Winter Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan

If there’s one thing that we can all agree upon, it’s the uncertainly of the future. As we near the end of 2021 and look ahead to a new year, we have to shake our heads at the mystery of it all.  Who would have predicted the events of this past year, from politics to pandemic to prosperity in the …

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Back to the Basics: The Forced Savings Solution

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Articles: Salt Lake City Office, Back to the Basics, SLC Winter 2022, Winter 2022 by Scott Dougan

If you were to ask retirees what was the single biggest factor in their ability to retire, the answer might lie in the fact that they began saving early, saved consistently, and didn’t stop saving.  Sure, some people have retirement saved for them, in the form of a pension, but the reality is that nobody lives off of their money …