Who Will You Be 5 Years From Today?
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea that whatever I chose to do at that very moment could change my life forever. I’m not talking about which sports to play or what to say to the cute girl in my class. No, I was focused on what would happen if I snapped my fingers or raised …
The One Word Retirement Plan
If you could choose just a single descriptor for what you’d like for the next 30 years of your life, what would it be? For some, flexibility may be the word, for others, family. Here are words that may strike a chord with you: Flexibility Family Faithfulness Activity Travel Peacefulness Contentment Regret-Free (does a hyphen qualify it as one word?) …
A Box of Catharsis
Catharsis is defined as “a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension” (source: Merriam-Webster). In other words, make the bad stuff go away and begin feeling better. If there’s one gift we should all give ourselves, it’s a nice catharsis. If you’ve ever rented a dumpster in order to finally clear the clutter from your …
2021 Fall Festival Update
Our Fall Festival at the Lodge at Ironwoods was a resounding success! Your contributions will bring a brighter future to children. We appreciate your generosity and caring commitment to CASA’s important work. We appreciate those who were able to join us this year at The Inn @ Ironwoods in support of CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates of Johnson & Wyandotte …
Back to the Basics: The Forced Savings Solution
If you were to ask retirees what was the single biggest factor in their ability to retire, the answer might lie in the fact that they began saving early, saved consistently, and didn’t stop saving. Sure, some people have retirement saved for them, in the form of a pension, but the reality is that nobody lives off of their money …
Briefcase Study: Financial Independence is a Myth
‘Financial Independence’ is a wonderful goal, a beautiful aspiration, a worthy pursuit. But it’s impossible. If true financial independence is the point at which we have enough money to be free from needing to serve or be served by other people, then we’ve missed the point entirely. If we look at a pile of wealth – money, property, possessions – …
Times Like These: Why Clear Financial Objectives Are So Important
When I first began doing this work, a bit more than 20 years ago, I’d managed to arrange meetings with a number of very serious athletic coaches in an effort to gain new clients. At that time, a pulse was all that was required to get my attention, since starting in this business is so difficult. The fact that I …
Learn Math? But I Have A Calculator!
We’ve all heard the argument against memorizing facts and information for a test in the modern age. “I’ll be okay as long as I know where to find the information.” is how the explanation goes. And thanks to Google, we now have access to seemingly all of the information available on any subject, so there may be something to that …
Retire in 1991 – Why Timing is Everything
Do you know one of those people who seem to hit every green light on the boulevard of life? Everything they touch seems to work out exceedingly well? If so, they’re the person who’s likely to have retired in a year like 1991. Why? For one, the stock market began its almost-unbelievable rise through the 1990s, replenishing their retirement nest …
If Only Investing Was More Like Sports
If you’re into sports – or even if you’re not – you’ve seen somebody at some point hit a buzzer-beating shot or get a last inning game-winning hit or sink a match-winning putt. Can you even imagine how that must feel? If you’re at all like me, you occasionally scratch your head and wonder, “Where are those moments in my …