2021 Winter Newsletter: Kansas City
ELEVATED INSIDER Have we turned a corner? The ongoing COVID saga seems to have shifted into another gear. While reported cases of the virus continue to rise, two vaccines are ready and being administered, which is some much needed light in this long and exhausting tunnel. We hope you’re feeling well and healthy and we also hope the country can …
2020 Fall Newsletter: Kansas City
ELEVATED INSIDER As the pandemic continues, the election coverage heats up, and the news cycle throbs with ‘this-is-all-important!’ furious excitement, do you know what feels comforting? The earth still moves steadily around the sun and summer turns into fall. The season change is a strangely comforting reminder that many things are still very normal despite the anxiety we’re feeling that …
Save the Date: Registration Required
Tuesday, November 10th 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Year End Tax Planning Webinar You Will Learn… • Tax proposals for 2021 and how the S.E.C.U.R.E Act will dramatically affect the way your retirements accounts will be taxed at your death • Year-end tax planning opportunities to take advantage of by 12/31/2020 • How to create tax-free income in retirement • …
Briefcase Study: Can The Financial Markets Be Trusted?
Quite often, I’ll receive a call or an email that goes something like this: “So-and-so on the news said the market is ripe for a big selloff in October or November, what do you think?” I hope you know by now that I always welcome the opportunity to help you with your questions. Keep them coming. This question in particular …
Back to the Basics: Why it All Starts with Income Planning
There are several questions that hopeful retirees are consistently asking as they seek to build a successful retirement. Some of these questions are: When can I retire? How much do we need? Will I have enough? What if there’s a major healthcare, stock market, or inflationary event that threatens what we’ve saved? While all of these questions are certainly different …
Briefcase Study: If a Tree Falls In the Woods
If a Tree Falls In the Woods, and Other Election Year Thoughts During a recent meeting, and then at another meeting, and another…the question came up: “With an election coming up, what should we be doing about our investments?” Here we are, in the midst of a presidential election season, and we’re all searching for answers. People are asking themselves, …
2020 Summer Newsletter: Kansas City
ELEVATED INSIDER As America does its best to see itself out of this pandemic, we’re all being reminded that so much of what we treasure is based on relationships. The very thing that makes this experience so trying is the ‘social distancing’ part of it. Of course, the risk of health issues and financial challenges can have tremendous impact on …
Back to the Basics: Two Ways To Estimate Retirement Expenses; One Fast, One Slow
Retirement Planning done well should feel like a state of flow. Money flows in, money flows out; the rate of this flow is determined by your chosen lifestyle. Ideally, your lifestyle conforms naturally to your desires and needs, as they shift with your health and interests. Thus your accumulated assets should provide you with enough income (flow in) to match …
Team Spotlight: Katie Murray
Katie Murray, Office Manager Please welcome our newest team member Katie Murray. Katie will be the friendly voice you’ll hear when you call the office and the bright & cheerful face you’ll see when you walk in. Katie was born and raised in “The Good Life” of Nebraska, go Huskers! She has an extensive background of over 8 years in …
Employee Spotlight: Brook Chavers
Brook Chavers, Client Services Associate Brooke moved to Kansas City to study music and literature at the University of Missouri – Kansas City. She is a St. Louis native and visits home often to attend baseball games with her family, at Busch Stadium. Her favorite thing about Kansas City is its rich artistic culture. She enjoys going to the symphony …