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2023 Spring Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

Spring has finally arrived! It typically signifies births and new beginnings. However, for our family, this spring brings with it a few big endings. Our oldest, Coraline, will be graduating eighth grade next month, ending her middle school years and sending her towards high school with a summer full of practices and preparations for Fall. I can honestly say that …

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2023 Spring Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan

We did it; we made it to another spring! We should congratulate ourselves. I recently heard someone say, “If you survived February, you’re probably going to live another year.” Boy, that sure feels true when winter just doesn’t seem to want to end. As is always the case, the world remains a wild and ever-changing place. The financial consequences of …

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2023 Winter Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

As we say farewell to 2022, we look back on all the good the year offered. 2022 brought new and exciting ventures, and a small sense of the “normal” we were accustomed to before 2020. We traveled, gathered, went out, met new people and tried new things. I’m looking forward to continuing this and more in 2023. Whether it’s the …

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2023 Winter Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan

With 2023 upon us, I find myself wondering where 2022 went. Didn’t we just finish cleaning up from the last New Year’s party? And now we’re here again? Then I consider all that happened in 2022 and it starts rushing back in a flurry of memories that feels a bit like driving through a hailstorm. Oh, yeah…all of that. So, …

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2022 Fall Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

The days are getting shorter, the nights cooler. The leaves are changing colors. Fall is upon us, and life is feeling more and more “normal” each day.  My calendar is definitely looking more “normal” these days. And by “normal” I mean full! Just like before the COVID-19 pandemic stopped us all in our tracks, my evenings and weekends are packed …

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2022 Fall Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan

A recent article in The Guardian put the spotlight on a man – a lawyer – who was overcharged for a train ticket in India. He chose to fight it.  After 100 court hearings and 22 YEARS, he won. He was awarded the outstanding amount, a $188 fine plus interest, and the satisfaction of having been proven right. He said …

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2022 Summer Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: baseball season!  Summer is sizzling! The kids have been out of school for a few weeks now, so we’re trying to make the most of these fleeting summer days. Our family kicked off our summer with a trip to Pensacola, Florida with Erika’s family. We rented a little condo on the beach …

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2022 Summer Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan

I wonder if you’ve ever experienced this. You’re sitting at your computer looking at some not great news; maybe it’s your 401(k) account that’s taken a dive, or an email that just seems to miss the mark on every possible level and drives you to near your breaking point. You stand up, walk outside, and realize the sun is still …

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2022 Spring Newsletter: Salt Lake City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office, Newsletters: Salt Lake City Office by Scott Dougan

Spring is here – the trees are blossoming, the birds are chirping and the bats are swinging.  It’s the most wonderful time of the year: baseball season! Not only have the pros started playing (which almost didn’t happen!), my nine-year-old son, Michael, and his team began their season as well. His games started in March with a couple of out-of-state …

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2022 Winter Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan

I think we don’t spend enough time and energy discussing compounding. Sure, we feel its effects when we look at our account statements from the last couple of years (especially when compared to statements from a decade ago!), but what about other areas of our lives? Is there a compounding effect that’s possible in our careers, relationships, and families that …